If you feel that the archive made available by the sponsoring institution, in partnership with Advantage Archives, Advantage Preservation, or any other brand, product, or service offered by this institution or Advantage Archives, despite our best efforts to stay compliant, has in some way infringed on the copyright of your content on a partner’s archive hosted by Advantage, please send a valid DMCA notice (or counter-notice) according to the procedures described in this Policy by e-mail to: info@advantagearchives.com, and we will work with the sponsoring institution to resolve the issue. Our policy is to consult with the sponsoring institution, ad afterwards respond to notices of alleged infringement that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”). Copyright-infringing materials found on any website hosted by Advantage Archives, Advantage Preservation, Papers From The Past, History Is Everything, Community History Archives, IAhistory, OnMicrofilm, or any sites or properties owned or operated by one or more of these brands (Advantage Sites), can be identified and removed via the sponsoring institution and/or Advantage Archives’ DMCA compliance process listed below and you agree to comply with such process in the event you are involved in any claim of copyright infringement to which the DMCA may be applicable.
If you believe in good faith that an institution, collection, individual, or member of an Advantage Site has infringed your copyright(s), you can request that we take down the infringing material(s) by following the steps in this DMCA compliance process. Please note that we do not make any legal decisions about the validity of your claim.
When a clear and valid Notice is received pursuant to the guidelines set forth below, we will respond by either taking down the allegedly infringing content (“Allegedly Infringing Content”) or blocking access to it until the sponsoring institution can be consulted . We may contact the Notice provider to request additional information. Under the DMCA, we are required to take reasonable steps to notify the entity who posted the Allegedly Infringing Content (“Alleged Infringer”). The Alleged Infringer is allowed under the law to send us a counter-notification as instructed below (“Counter-Notice”). On receiving a Counter-Notice, we may restore the Allegedly Infringing Content unless we receive notice from the original Notice provider that a legal action has been filed seeking a court order to restrain the Alleged Infringer from engaging in the allegedly infringing activity. Notices and Counter-Notices are legal notices distinct from regular Site activities or communications. As such, they are not subject to the sponsoring institution and/or Advantage Archives’ Privacy Policy. This means we may publish or share them with third parties at our discretion, and we may produce them pursuant to a legal discovery request. Anyone making a false or fraudulent Notice or Counter-Notice may be liable for damages under the DMCA, including costs and attorney’s fees. If you are unsure of whether certain material infringes your copyright, contact an attorney. Filing a DMCA Notice: To file a DMCA Notice with Advantage, you must send us a written letter by fax, regular mail or email. We reserve the right to ignore a Notice that is not in compliance with the DMCA.
Your Notice must:
The information provided should be as detailed as possible:
Email to info@advantagearchives.com, with a subject line of: DMCA NOTICE
Filing a Counter-Notice:
If your material has been removed or blocked by us as a result of a DMCA Notice, you may send us a Counter-Notice pursuant to Sections 512(g)(2) and (3) of the DMCA asking for the Allegedly Infringing Material to be restored. To file a DMCA Counter-Notice with us, you must send us a written letter by fax, regular mail or email. When we receive the Counter-Notice, we will send a copy of the Counter-Notice to the party who originally requested the removal of the Allegedly Infringing Material and we will reinstate the Allegedly Infringing Material, unless that party obtains a court order supporting removal of the Allegedly Infringing Material. We reserve the right to ignore a Counter-Notice that is not in compliance with the DMCA.
Your Counter-Notice must:
Email to info@advantagearchives.com, with a subject line of:: DMCA COUNTER-NOTICE